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Seminars & Speaking Engagements

Ben Levi Spoke at the 6th Expert Forum on ITC Litigation & Enforcement

Ben Levi spoke at the American Conference Institute’s 6th Expert Forum on International Trade Commission Litigation & Enforcement in Washington, D.C. on February 25-26, 2014.  Mr. Levi’s presentation, “ITC Litigation Do’s and Don’ts: How to Avoid the Evidentiary and Trial Pitfalls, and Implement Best Practices,” will provide insight on the 337 litigation process and rules affecting trial preparation, and will focus on topics such as:

  • How to frame the issues in the case: Best practices for positioning and presenting your case;
  • Service and delivery of documents — outlining and agreeing on expert discovery stipulations, and CBI and its exchange between competitor respondents;
  • Determining whether or not evidence obtained in the context of one action can be used to pursue discovery in another action or country, or be used as evidence in a parallel or separate but related suit in another venue;
  • Practical tips for conducting third party discovery of a foreign party during a 337 investigation;
  • Defending against a licensing entity;
  • Managing subpoena issues;
  • The biggest pitfalls to avoid in Markman hearings;
  • Vetting, selecting and working with experts; and
  • Defining outside and in-house counsel’s roles and responsibilities.

For more information, or to register, please click here.